Activities of the SORBOLAB Research Laboratory

Activities of the SORBOLAB Research Laboratory

Dear Sir or Madam, We should like to inform you that the safeguards and protective measures we have introduced against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic have been working perfectly well so far. Our laboratory works on the execution of orders in full composition and...
Research on Red mason bees

Research on Red mason bees

Ecotoxicological tests of substances are carried out in the SORBOLAB Research Laboratory and chemical products on Red mason bees. They include tests of acute oral toxicity using the method developed on the basis of OECD guideline 213 and Annex Q, EFSA 2013 and acute...


In February 2021, we began cooperation with the School of Chemistry at the Faculty of Exact and Technical Sciences of the University of Silesia in Katowice, declaring support for the project entitled “GreenFluidics – Design and construction of a new...
16th Annual (Virtual) Zebrafish Husbandry Workshop

16th Annual (Virtual) Zebrafish Husbandry Workshop

On February 23-25, 2021, we took part in a conference on Zebrafish breeding, entitled “16th Annual (Virtual) Zebrafish Husbandry Workshop” organized by Aquaneering Inc. Danio Rerio fish are used in ecotoxicological studies to assess the impact of chemical...
Together against COVID-19

Together against COVID-19

In February 2021, we started cooperation with DG-Nika AG from Switzerland on the implementation of a research project aimed at developing and market launch of a drug that blocks the proliferation of the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease. The main...